This past weekend---I have been enjoying staying home at our new house. Here are some pictures of the winter wonderland around my house...
I am so very lucky & thankful that Mike and I own the house---I am for sure blessed!

Yup...today mother nature coated UB's campus (and the surrounding Buffalo area) in a nice white/icy layer of snow...
But we were not told to stay home---so my little subaru kicked into high gear and got me safely to UB.
Then at 12:14pm we received an e-mail message that said "UB classes and activities are cancelled this afternoon and evening, Dec. 19 as of 12 p.m. Essential employees should report."
This caused me to hmmmmm, didn't classes end like a week ago? And--almost all staff reports at 8:30am?
Then then we got a clarification e-mail....
"Due to confusion created by an earlier email, this email is being sent to clarify that UB is closed effective at noon today, December 19, 2008. Classes and activities are cancelled for this afternoon and evening. Essential employees should report."
Oh...that clarified it completely. Needless to say---we were told we could stay or leave. But if we leave---we have to use to vacation day.
The joys of working for the State of New York...
My life is worth a vacation day :) So...I am home safe enjoying the warmth of my new house...
I just started reading this book--- I have a feeling it will change my already thoughtful diet....
I am still riding high---Obama has been elected the 44th President of the United States. Yesterday, I felt a weight lifted from my shoulders. It has been eight years of horrible policy decisions which left me feeling very shameful about being from this nation.
Today, I feel proud about what "WE THE PEOPLE" can do to make this country and world a more peaceful place.
Yes, WE CAN! And...WE WILL!
Yesterday I went to Naturopathic doctor --Dr. Lim--and received my first acupuncture treatment. It was really relaxing---and had detoxifying effects.
I feel very lucky that I can afford to try such a technique to solve my small health problems, and more importantly--to maintain a balanced chi~
I also started a regiment of vitamins---something I have neglected to do for a long time! This Dr. has high quality , inexpensive vitamins---check his website out! http://www.naturalhealthchoices.org
Mike got me into this drink...it's actually pretty interesting--not sure if I like it or not. It's bubbly and pretty alive in your tummy---so I suggest that you do not drink too much at a time. I don't know if I like it or not....
Here's more info. about it--keep in mind...it's unsubstantiated!
It is a sweet-sour, fermented, acidic, slightly carbonated beverage, which has been described as either a wine that tastes like a delicious tea or an unusual tea that tastes like a rare wine.
There are claims that Kombucha tea is a "fountain of youth elixir" used in China for thousands of years. It is purported to be a ancient tonic created by growing a so-called Manchurian mushroom on sweetened tea. The history and lore surrounding Kombucha imply an element of magic. Used in China for centuries during sacred rites of atonement, received, passed down, and transported all over the world, there is a ritual and tradition in the telling and the making of Kombucha tea that imbue it with an alchemy of mystery and power. The mystical aspect of Kombucha tends to attract and convert many people in search of perfect health and longevity.
* Restores hair color
* Thickens hair
* Dissolves gallstones Increases energy
* Lengthens lifespan
* Arterioscrosis/softens veins
* Speeds healing
* Lowers cholesterol
* Lowers blood pressure
* Increases blood circulation
* Eliminates wrinkles/skin humectant
* Improves menopausal symptoms
* Strengthens leg muscles
* Chickenpox /herpes zoster remedy
* Colitis/improves digestion/ nervous stomach
* Poultice for wounds/ulcers
* Cleanses gallbladder
* Lessens anxiety
* Levels glucose
* Protects teeth from cavities
* Activates glandular system
Have you ever felt like you are waiting for something to happen? My life in the past few weeks seems to be like this picture. Movement around me and I am standing still.
I bought a house, but there isn't a clear date when it will close. I am ready to start my dissertation research, and I can't start until I get acceptance into my research sites.
I guess that best part is---that even though I am like this little girl watching the ride---I am trying each day to be the "watcher" and enjoy my ride through life.
Today I was invited to a little Turkish party for the end of Ramadan--and it just so happens that a very good Turkish musician came to Buffalo to play is very beautiful instrument--called a Kanun.
This instruments sounds like a harp but has a crisper sound. The melodies are mesmerizing. I felt like I was under an olive tree with some yummie Turkish food! (well, I obviously wish that was the actual case, but then I opened my eyes).
I find myself very much attracted to this region of the world...I am sure in my past life I lived there....
inshuallah---I go back :)
Today I successfully did those pose---just like this yoga lady!
--I felt like I really accomplished something!
Besides opening up my rib cage and flexing the spine---it also helps open the throat and heart chakra!
I recently got a not-so serious, possibly serious offer to go teach at a school in Togo...
how cool would that be????
actually--it wouldn't be a full position, just a short-term appointment (like 2 weeks)....but it would be an amazing experience I can imagine...
And---it would be fun to re-connect with a old school pal....
The universe brings me such wonderful opportunities!
I just started this book--and I have to say I am starting to fall in love with Kundera and the way he tells a love story.
Here is an example of his brilliance...
"In the sunset of dissolution, everything is illuminated by the aura of nostalgia, even the guillotine"....
Warm wishes for all my Muslim friends this Ramadan season.
I very much respect this month long time of prayer. While I am not Muslim, I find myself attached to the very ideas this season provides...
Here is some information about Ramadan in case you didn't know about it (thanks Wikipedia):
Ramadan is a time to fast for the sake of God, and to offer even more prayer than usual. In Ramadan--Muslims ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance into the future, ask for help in refrain from everyday evils and try to purify themselves through self-restraint and good deeds.
Thanks to Rachel.......we are the adopted parents of one of these beautiful hens (I think it's the hen who is philosophizing about the sociology of egg-making---but I could be wrong).
I am enjoying her fresh eggs each week. I love knowinng where my food is coming from and I am enjoying buying fresh produce from the Bidwell farmer's market as well.
If you are interested in adopting a chicken next year---check out BlossomHill Farms~