Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lucky Auntie Di

I have been enjoying Aidan so much these days! While his favorite words to me are, "No Di Di !!!" I can't help but to smother him in love.

Check out the crocheted hat I made for Aidan. Of course he hates wearing it, but didn't mind that his bear had it on.

He closes his eyes when he sees the camera, because he hates the flash--- but he still says "CHEESE!"
I am a lucky Auntie Di

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I passed my Qualifying Exam!

Last week I got this letter that I passed my Qualifying exam....(It's hard to read on-line) but to me this letter is a concrete way of saying, You are on your way to finishing your PhD!

I feel really good about this last section of school work and I am sure that with this new rejuvinated outlook the process will go well.

Thanks to all of you out there for your love, support and guidance!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sofia's Move to DC

Last weekend Sofia and I ventured through the crazy lake-effect snows of southern NYS and Erie, PA....and we made it to DC. The first few hours were very crazy....but Sofia drove like a true pro!
Luckily, we had some great friends in DC to help us unpack...and also we were lucky enough to enjoy their company too! We even caught up with Saji~
I look forward to more trips to DC...
In the spring :)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Kite Runner

Last night Ali and I saw this truly beautiful film......if you have not yet read the book, the movie is the next best thing. This production honors the book, and invoked in me such powerful feelings...
As Ali told me, if you cry in a film....they filmmakers did their job~
It's hard for this movie not to touch you....and also make you fall in love with the characters....
Go see it as soon as you can!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Inheritance of Loss - Kiran Desai

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to not only continue reading for my PhD, but to continue to read a bit each night of the many books on my list of "MUST READS"...

My goal is to finish this book before April when Krian Desai comes to Buffalo to speak about her book. (Which won the Booker prize in 2006!!).

The book has me hooked I am introduced to this young girl Sai and her life situation. Her parents have passed away and she now lives with her grandfather in the hills of Kashmir......a parallel story is built as the cook (of the grandfather) has a son who travels to America to pave his way about...

His story is opposite of what international students' face...and I feel a certain sense of compassion for this young boy trying to negotiate life in the streets of New York...

If you do not have this book...I recommend you pick it up!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Remembering ol' times

This past week I hosted my very good friend Matthias, who lives in Switzerland but might move back to the states for a academic job~
It was so nice to spend time with him again....we laughed about our crazy adventures together...and we experienced some new ones too.
Matthias is so very smart...and he has such a bright future... I am so happy for him!
It was only 10 degrees F! But wow how pretty it was~

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

Forget Time Square, or Buffalo Place...Summer Street had their own Ball Drop!

2007 was a great year. I am fully thankful for all that happened in my life...and I look forward to a year of wonderful new experiences...

Here are some highlights from the New Years Eve party @ Summer street. I had some great ol' friends there and I was lucky enough to makes some new friends too!