Monday, April 24, 2006

What is Baghdad really like?

Palace pool
Originally uploaded by njaneardude.

All media blitz about Baghdad is about suicide bombers and prison scandals….but have you ever thought about little spots that might still ring of beauty? Have you thought about how people feel there? Are they experiencing spring like most of us?
Check out an award winning blog, Baghdad Burning---
It will open your eyes for sure~

idependent Lens--spotlight, columbia

If you ever get a chance, check out this great documentaries by filmakers who uncover stories of real people in the world. This past weeks story was about a small town in Columbia shaken by civil war. The worst part of this story is the war is being waged by children....
check out this story if you can:

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The sun is dimming?

Most of us have accepted that Global Warming is a reality (except neo-conservatives like George Bush and friends)....but did you also know the Sun is dimming!
Last night I watched a NOVA investigation which showed evidence for a little-known phenomenon called global dimming and they explored its potential impact on climate worldwide~!

The first signs of global dimming came in the 1980s when one scientist—who measured sunlight amounts over Israel in the 1950s—found a 22 percent drop in sunlight 20 years later.

The optimist I am looks for solutions: and here they are! MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Friday night fun

Last Friday I had a great dinner with my Adopted Canadian family...they are all so wonderful!
Check out our cool necklaces (right from the ol' Polish Market)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Adian Easter

Our usual family outtings were fun as usual, at least one person got in a fight, one person spilled wine and someone cried for sure (Aidan)....however this year wasn't the same as usual. We were missing a part of our family, but we realized that we are never without him, we know he was watching us from Heaven.
So here's Adie (that's what I call him) and Auntie Di
I just love him so much!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Happy Diane

I have a VERY nice friend who sent me some REALLY good chocolates~~~ummmmmm
As you can see, I am very happy!
Thank you

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Gotta love the bunnies

Thanks to Sofia who sent me this lovely Easter message. Makes you think twice how you treat your chocolate bunnies.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Curling Adventure 2006~

Kris and I went on a Curling adventure in Canada on Sunday. This is something I had always marvled at on TV, and now, as you can see, am a PRO!
Actually, my frist shot was right in the bull's eye!

This sport is really more fun than it looks like, and easy to pick up! Here's the place were we "curled"!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Flowers in love

An old friend of mine and I would find objects we see each day and allow them the space and time to fall in love. Remotes in love, coffee mugs in love, even socks in love. In honor of Matthias, here are 2 flowers, in love.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Fat CEOs

I was saddened today when I heard this story on NPR about CEO retirement packages, and how much money they make per year in benefits.
These people make more than most 3rd world countries make per year!
What does this say about our Humanity? Will we as a human race ever evolve where we value human life more than a piece of paper in which we have imagined “capital”?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Rethinking ipodding--is it really social isolation?

everyday is like sunday
Originally uploaded by Ms. Pants.
So today, I went to Starbucks (yes, I know it's a social no-no, but I was craving an Indian Chai).

Anyway, as I waited in line, listening to my videoipod...I was in a world of my own, listening to Democracy Now ( Noam Chomsky talk about his new book.

When suddenly the bubbly Starbucks girl asked me, 'what are you listening to?', and the guy behind me (aparently sneaking looks @ my ipod) said, "oh she's watching Noam Chomsky, isn't he amazing?"

Just when I thought that ipodding caused social isolation, it actually creates a way for others to start a conversation with you!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ghost Stories

Man at door
Originally uploaded by Rob Watling.

Ok, I will admit it, I get scared when I think about ghosts, talk about them--see a movie about them, whatever!

And these creaters of unknown origin enter my mind at night…right before bed, and everything I hear, probably a ghost!

So last night I had a nice chat with a friend about a ghostly experience and then I realized, I am scared of something I have never even really experienced!

So, I vow today to try and overcome a fear of the unknown.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

A lobby with a touch of Ish

Check out my friend's Installation. What is it? Good quesiton, it's what you think it is!

And isn't that really life, what we think it is?--we all interpret art, music, even words in our own way. It is society which constantly trys to push us in a direction, but take this moment to allow yourself to define this any way you want.

Until tomorrow~