Friday, December 28, 2007
Om Shanti Om
Check out one of the best songs in the film...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas 2007

The past two days have been full of food, presents and joy. I would have to say that Aidan took the spotlight. Santa was VERY good to him!
He is such a light in our lives...I feel lucky to be Auntie Di!

Santa brought me what I wanted for sure. All these wonderful people in my life~
Monday, December 24, 2007
Enjoying Christmas 2007

We had lots of tasty treats....yummie drinks and we enjoyed my new favorite game...the Wii!
I am so very thankful for these people in my I reflect on the past year...each one of these guys has provide me with friendship, advice, humor and love.. they are truly the best presents anyone could ask for!
Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Happy Birthday Jen!
Today is my sister's birthday~
I am so very lucky to have her as my sister~ She is a wonderful mother...she is caring and loving to so many people...She has dedicated her life to helping people with problems...and she does it with such love and compassion, it's inspirational!~
Most of all, she is always there for me, when I need a friend...and a loving sister.
Thanks Jen! Happy birthday!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Happy Eid To all my friends… Eid Mubarak
Today is a holiday celebrated by many of my's Eid. Last year I was in Morocco for this experience I will never forget thanks to my wonderful friends...and of course Ali and his family.
Thanks to Wikipedia, here is some background about the holiday:
Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى ‘Īd al-’Aḍḥā) is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims and Druze worldwide as a commemoration of Ibrahim's (Abraham's) willingness to sacrifice his son Ismael for Allah. It is one of two Eid festivals that Muslims celebrate (Muslims in Iran celebrate a third, non-denominational eid ). Like Eid el-Fitr, Eid ul-Adha begins with a short prayer followed by a sermon (khuṭba).
Many warm wishes my friend....
Friday, December 14, 2007
forget the gym, just get a Wii
I had a BLAST the other night playing tennis in Ali's living room~ Thanks to John, Rachel's cool husband.
If you have not tried a Wii---try it, you will break a sweat and you might even feel like you went to the gym.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Craft day at Vive La Casa
Monday, December 10, 2007
My current insipration
"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding."
Kahlil Gibran
I have been so enjoying Kahlil Gibran's work....I hope your day is pain free, but if it isn't relish in the fact that you are breaking free!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
As promised, Aidan videos.....
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Aidan's second birthday!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
So today, I have so may things to be thankful for. First, I am thankful for my wonderful family---they love me for who I am, as I change, they accept me and provide unconditional love.
Second, I have the most wonderful friends! They are all so diverse, and enrich my life. Most importantly, they never judge me---they love me for who I am, all the great parts, and the parts I hope to change :)
Third, I am thankful for my opportunities...this year I have had the opportunity to finish my qualifying exam (YEAH!), meet many new friends, watch friends pursue their dreams, watch my nephew grow into this little talking boy!---as well as many other joyful additions.
Also, I am grateful even for the difficult times I have had this year, those hurdles have allowed me to grow and learn about myself, and to get in touch with my inner-being.
AND, I am grateful for YOU!!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Really Good Tea
I have become a TEA drinker! Thanks to Dawn, I discovered the YOGI teas~
Each tea bag has a wonderful saying~
So each morning I relish in these sayings, trying my best to make it my day mantra.
Today's saying is, "Inspiring others toward happiness brings you happiness"
It's so true! I called a colleague at UB and I could hear happiness in her voice--- and I told her, what a pleasure to speak with you, you sound so happy. Because I said that, she said I made her day!
Pass it on...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Happy Diwali
This weekend is a BIG festival for Hindus, Sikhs and Jains in India, Nepal and other countries.
Also know as the festival of lights, lights or lamps signify victory of good over the evil within every human being. I think it's a beautiful holiday where we can all open our hearts and minds and let in light and love.
Here's some more info: Diwali in India is celebrated with lots of enthusiasm and happiness. This festival is celebrated for five continuous days, with the third day being celebrated as the main Diwali or as 'Festival of Lights'. Fireworks are always associated with this festival. The day is celebrated with people lighting diyas, candles all around their house. Lakshmi Puja is performed in the evening to seek divine blessings of Goddess of Wealth. Diwali gifts are exchanged among all near and dear ones.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Meditation begins
So last night my friend Gail and I started a meditation class! No, we were not at this location, although the beauty of meditation is---we can transport there if we want!
I am looking forward to this form of relaxation for increased clarity, peace and oneness with all.
If you are reading this, I hope you are having a stress free day as I intend to have~
Warm regards!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Hollween Fun
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Create Peace
I think most of us in Academia type work feel very disconnected with how we can make a difference.
I have been really re-thinking why I am here, and what am I really doing to make a difference.
I know answers will come with time.
In the meantime, I realized that feeling inadequate isn't the answer--- someone very profound sent me this message, and I think it's food for thought:
"You long for peace. You think of peace as being goodwill toward each other, goodwill among nations, the laying down of arms. But peace is far more than this. It can only be understood and realized within your heart. It lies beneath the turmoil and noise and clamor of the world, beneath feeling, beneath thought. It is found in the deep, deep silence and stillness of the soul. It is Spirit: it is GOD." White Eagle
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thank you for sending me positive energy....your posts were comforting. Thanks to Catalina, Jen and Sofia for listening to me.
All of my problems (as I perceived them) are rested in FEAR. Of course on a theoretical level, I understand that FEAR isn't real. That all of my FEARS are illusions. I was so far into the dream of daily dramas, that I couldn't FEEL PEACE. All the signs were in front of me but I needed some help to heal.
The answer is inside ME!
All I needed to do was to stop thinking--
and just BE.
And that's what I did last night. I experienced Reiki!
If you are interested, contact Carolyn Musical ( is a wonderful soul.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
This is how I feel today
I think the picture says it all. If you are reading this, please send me some positive energy.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The power of now
So, the past week I have been pretty stressed out, between school and other things invading my mind, I have allow thoughts to take over my mind and create FEAR...which is so destructive to the soul.
E. Tolle writes, "The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly - you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease. You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion. The instrument has taken you over."
So, the key is to see this as an illusion. Stop the pattern of over thinking..and be quiet...also, be aware....
This photo allows me to be still...maybe it helps you too?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Meeting Michael Moore!

Saturday I went to see Michael Moore, he was funny, thought provoking and inspiring. His arguments sometimes lack the complexity I would like to see, but he sparks a discussion, something that doesn't happen in the mainstream media.
Thanks to Rema and her friends, I got to go to the VIP after-party and actually talk to Mr. Moore! Check it out!

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sri Lanka, Batticaloa
Saji is in Sri Lanka. I am so proud of the work he's doing. It's called a Listening Project: as Saji explains "Do NO Harm which now all international humanitarian agencies are adopting and donor agencies are requiring. The listening project is not an evaluation, assessment or research study. It is an informal way of talking/listening w/ a multitude of stakeholders around the country to discuss their perceptions, thoughts, ideas, frustrations etc about international assistance in the country. There are 5 teams. I will lead the team to the conflict area"
He's int he conflict area now........and I am sending him lots of positive energy. I miss him a lot, but I so proud of him and the work he's doing.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
My many Crafty Friends
My Friend Rima just started a blog about knitting and crocheting!
Check it out~
Hopefully soon you will see my many great creations there!
Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's one of my all time favorites.....find it sometime, it is one you will want to watch again.
I think this line in the movie sums up what it's all about, " To cheat oneself out of love is the most terrible deception, it is an eternal loss for which there is no reparation, neither in time or eternity"

Monday, September 17, 2007
I got flowers today!!

I got flowers from Saji today! He is such a beautiful soul! He created this surprise as he was busy packing and getting ready to go home to Sri Lanka. He thought of this wonderful gift to leave with me to remind me of him!
I am so lucky! He is one of the most caring, considerate and loving people that have entered my life.
I can't wait for you to come HOME to Buffalo Saji!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Toronto fun...

This past weekend I spent in Toronto for work and for some fun. I dragged Sofia....who was such sweetheart to help me with my work...and she also introduced us to "little Portugal" in Toronto...the food made me smile. Of course we wished Saji could be with us to enjoy the yummie treats and compare them with Sofia's and Elsa's homemade delicatessens.
I also got to hang out with Kris' cousin and my friend, Caroline..
She is such a wonderful, bright light.....while she is just starting her career...she already has visions of creating a better world.
I always get such great energy from her....and she will always be my adopted cousin :)
Monday, September 10, 2007
The last summer weekend?
This past weekend might be our last summer-like weekend. However, it was fun....Saji came back to "little summer". We enjoyed some of Amherst's highlights....and even stopped off at the yarn story for some great deals!
And of course a weekend in Buffalo isn't the same without a nice dinner party---
Sofia made sure he felt welcome with some yummie Portuguese specialty "drunken chicken"....
Now---Saji is off for a month in Sri Lanka.....I will miss him!!! He has become my sunshine!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Catching up with good friends

Last night I got to catch up with some good friends...some that live in Buffalo and one special friend, An who calls Germany home. We miss her so much...and she is the main link between all of us....Her charisma, kindness and over-all fun nature have provided the backdrop for all of us to meet and enjoy great experiences with each other.
An is such a great person, and I miss her, but hopefully she will move back soon!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Fantastic weekend in DC
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Fairwell dinner for Angela.....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The meaning behind the ring
This past weekend someone asked me the story about the Claddagh ring...and i couldn't remember the whole thing. So, like any good web 2.0 user...I gotta blog about it.
Here's how the story goes...
The story of the Claddagh is based in rich Irish culture. It begins about five centuries ago in the fishing village of Claddagh, just outside the city of Galway.
Men of the village, much as they do today, would go out to the sea, each day, to fish for food for their families and other villagers. The sea presented many dangers. On some days the sea was high and on others the current was strong. The greatest risk, however, was that there were pirates.
On one such day, the story goes, a young man was fishing at sea with other men from his family. Suddenly, from their small boat, they spied a Spanish pirate ship. That sight, the men were certain sealed their fate. The pirates captured the men from Claddagh and brought them to the far off North Coast of Africa. It was there that they were sold into slavery for what they were sure would be the rest of their lives.
Richard, the youngest of those captured, was the most distraught. All men had left loved ones behind, but Richard had just met his true love and now feared that he would not live to see her again. Years passed and several of the men died. Others accepted their fate. Richard worked as a slave, but continued to long for a return to his village and to his beloved. To keep his spirits up and to keep hope in his heart, each day Richard stole a tiny speck of gold from his slave masters in the goldsmith shop where he tended the fires. Years passed and, with his tiny pieces of gold, he was finally able to fashion a ring. It was his hope that, despite what seemed nearly impossible, he would return to his village and present the ring to his true love. No one really knows if Richard escaped or earned his release from slavery, but in either event, the day finally came when Richard could begin the long trip back to his village in Ireland . . . to his home.
At his journey's end, Richard was overcome with joy when he learned that his beloved had remained true to him in his long absence, waiting faithfully for him to return. It was on that day that Richard gave his beloved the ring he created that is now known worldwide as the Claddagh Ring. The Claddagh design appears not only in rings, but in other types of jewelry as well. The heart in the design symbolizes the love Richard longed to share with his true love. The crown symbolizes his undying loyalty and the hands symbolize friendship, which is, after all, the very foundation of love, with loyalty holding the two hands together.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Color of Thoughts
The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principals and can bear the full light of day. The content of your character is only by your choice. Day by day what you do, what you think and what you choose is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny. It is the light that guides your way.
- Heraclitis
Mike sent this to me on Monday...the craziest day of my week....and I am working hard to remember this as I greet 1,000 new international students to UB!
A time of new beginnings... it's exciting!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Bright new beginnings....
We had such a wonderful time together...and I am sure it's the beginning of many more wonderful experiences. I am glad the universe gave me the gift of this person in my life.
He works each day to create a peaceful's inspiring!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Happy Birthday Rachel!
Today is Rachel's Birthday....and there are so many reasons why I am so happy she is my friend.......I guess it's good to list them so everyone knows....
1. She's super smart!
2. She's oh so crafty
3. She's a great listener, advice giver and all-round great shoulder to cry on
4. She shows love to all her friends....
5. She is and will make the world a better place!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Mike got me into this writer...Eckhart Tolle--- in his book, "The power of now" he writes about our time. His response is beautiful...and one I hope to remember each day.
Question: A powerful word: Love. Which is the role of love in existence?
Answer: Love comes into existence when you know who you are in your essence and then recognize the “other” as yourself. It is the end of the delusion of separation, which is created by excessive reliance on thinking.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
"the book" is found!
So, this is what my desk looks like....books, books and more books.
But, yesterday a little angel (Rachel and the Inter-library Loan service) brought me the PERFECT book for my dissertation topic.
Universities and Globalization: To market, To market
This book examines the operations of power and knowledge in international education--- exactly what I am interested in. And it's written by a thoughtful, insightful scholar named Ravinder Sidhu.
I was so was such a wonderful gift and I feel revived to continue with pursuing this crazy PhD~
Monday, August 06, 2007
Sunday pesto making
Yesterday I made some yummmmmmie pesto using the fresh basil from my window box. I enjoyed the break from working on my Qualifying exam....
I was just smiling thinking about sharing this great batch as I was listening to Carlos Vives and enjoying sounds of my imaginary Island life inside "little summer."
While Carlos' is from Columbia, his music makes me feel like I am enjoying life on a breezy, carefree Island...
Enjoy his music for yourself!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Positive Energy
Whenever you think you 'can't' do something, or you think 'you' can't make a difference--just feeling down about life and any possibility to create change----
Remember that we are all millions of energy particles--- and that energy, positive or negative--- can be transformed from one form to another, but it is never created or destroyed.
Somewhere within this idea, we can argue that we are all connected for the mere fact that we transfer this energy to each other. So what we do for another, will ultimately help us.
So, as I finish off the week I can I work with my own energy to make others feel as happy and good as I feel today?
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Highlights of Toronto Jazz Fest..
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Mikie!
Yesterday was Mikie's birthday~
He is such a wonderful soul....a Peaceful person who lives his philosophy and teaches all that interacts with him how to love, how to be creative and how to live life with a purpose....
I so admire him....and love him. I am so lucky to be his aunt, friend and roomie.
I love you Mikie~
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
pandora radio
Hey guys,
If you like to listen to the radio at work...and you hate that annoying song over and over again, check out Pandora's free and you can create stations based upon the music you like...and flip to the next song whenever you want!
launch it! :)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Falling in love....with my summer book
Gabriel García Márquez is a Nobel Prize winning Colombian author--- and is now one of my favorite author's as well.
If you haven't had a chance to pick up one of his books...please do, I am now reading "One hundred years of Solitude"
The book is considered García Márquez's masterpiece, ---it's a wonderful tale that is a metaphor of the history of Colombia or Latin America.The novel chronicles a family's struggle, and the history of their fictional town---this story has me falling in love with the town, it's characters and their lives.
The magical aspects of this book reminds me of the beauty of another wonderful Latin writer.... Guillermo del Toro who wrote and directed "Pan's Labyrinth".......
So get a nice coffee and a sunny Sunday and enjoy this book with me~