Friday I was totally shocked to meet up with an old high school Friend...Kush...
A cool guy in high school, a star "beat-boxer" and pleasurable classmate....we shared a common friend...who I come to find out married a Romanian guy!
Now Kush is a Phd Candidate in American studies, dazzling undergrads @ UB and helping to push the students of tomorrow to deconstruct power...it's really cool that he's a part of this counter-hegemonic movement...
But, the wackiest thing was his take on me...He said that I look even better than I did in high school.....and I can't decided if I should take that as something positive or negative...like that means I look bad in HS? Regardless, he was full of compliments and that of course makes one feel great about themselves...but either way...we both realized that we are at that critical stage...getting older...
I guess when you run into someone you knew when you were 14...and now you are both in your thirties...you start to see your own age in a new way...
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