Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Spring Reciepes...

101 Cookbooks is a blog I check once a week-- it was started by Heidi Swanson who is a San Francisco based photographer, cookbook author, designer - and creator of 101 Cookbooks. Her writing and photographs have been featured in The Washington Post, Vegetarian Times, Whole Foods Markets, and on NPR~
I really love it because her recipes are spicy, worldly and full of life....and...attached to the recipe---she talks about her travel stories and experiences making you even more excited to cook!
I am going to try this one out, a reciept for Dukkah, a spicy combo you use to add to olive oil and Bread's so easy and will surely be a hit with great Wegmans bread...Maybe I will bring it in tomorrow @ ISSS....
At least my officemates will be happy for sure~
Happy Eating~

Monday, April 23, 2007
Could this enhance my front lawn?
Spring has sprung in Buffalo....and Mike and I are trying to figure out how to enhance our front yard for Buffalo's Annual Garden walk.
We live @ Garden Walk the pressure is ON~
Of course the suggestion was add something like this cute little Knome...Ummm, what do you think?
Mike was suggesting that maybe we hire someone to dress up like one~
Monday, April 16, 2007
Babies....I so love 'em
Thursday, April 12, 2007
"Children of Men"...makes you think...
So Mike and I watched this the other night...and, I have to say I didn't like it when I started watching it...
then, upon reflection, I realized the poignant messages ..We as a human race are fragile yet strong...we have the power to create, and destroy....This movie
directed by Alfonso CuarĂ³n (one of the up-in-coming Mexican directors)--is something you should see...and decide for yourself if it's poignant, smart and telling...
Regardless---Clive Owen is nice eye-candy~
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Chance meetings

Friday I was totally shocked to meet up with an old high school Friend...Kush...
A cool guy in high school, a star "beat-boxer" and pleasurable classmate....we shared a common friend...who I come to find out married a Romanian guy!
Now Kush is a Phd Candidate in American studies, dazzling undergrads @ UB and helping to push the students of tomorrow to deconstruct's really cool that he's a part of this counter-hegemonic movement...
But, the wackiest thing was his take on me...He said that I look even better than I did in high school.....and I can't decided if I should take that as something positive or that means I look bad in HS? Regardless, he was full of compliments and that of course makes one feel great about themselves...but either way...we both realized that we are at that critical stage...getting older...
I guess when you run into someone you knew when you were 14...and now you are both in your start to see your own age in a new way...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Spring...I am feeling it..
Well, today isn't very nice outside...but in the last 2 days...I felt like this flower....
I am feeling a bit less frustrated with school...and I am almost having a breakthrough with my research..
I am thankful to my friends in the department...such smart people...and for having such a great advisor. I realize how important this woman has been in shaping my academic career thus far. I guess when we are confronted with having to defend someone ...we open our eyes to the amazingly talented people around us...
Hopefully the snow in Buffalo will stop and I can grow too like this flower~
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Get out the VOTE
It's a funny video for sure~ check it out~