I am so grateful to Catalina and her family for hosting me....I loved the country, people, food (the fruit is SOOOO wonderful), landscape and of course...the coffee!

The universe has been so kind to provide me opportunities to understand and learn about compassion.
My most recent experience has been with people's feelings.
As we travel through life we can hurt someone's feelings--and when we do, that person usually (not always) reacts. This is the opportunity for us to experience compassion.
I have learned to stop, take a deep breath and allow the other person to act out their own drama--and I have learned to not accept their drama as my own.
I have been getting better at this---but of course sometimes it is not easy. Therefore, the universe continues to provide me with opportunities to get better at this.
So I thank the universe--and those friends that provide me with light and understanding on this journey.