I had an absolute fantastic weekend with some of my best friends...Amresh, Sofia and Ali. We all meet at Amresh's new

I had an absolute fantastic weekend with some of my best friends...Amresh, Sofia and Ali. We all meet at Amresh's new
Yesterday I got the most wonderful message from a former student at Daemen...
She told me that she developed a project to help teachers in the Ukraine (teach about ways to raise awareness about human trafficking in high schools) and it is based largely on what she learned at Daemen, specifically through the development of her research proposal!!!! (The class I taught)
I felt so good that the work in the class not only inspired her to do this much needed work, but also inspired her to apply for a PhD program in Toronto (and she was accepted!)
I am so happy for her and I am sure she will continue to make a difference in the world. I am also greatful that I have had the opportunity to help her fulfill her dreams...
I just heard about Jhumpa Lahiri's new book, "Unaccustomed Earth". She is one of my favorite writers...her writing provides poetic stories of those making their home outside their birth nation. Her writing draws me in and I seem to fall in love with the characters as they negotiate their identity...
If you want to hear her read from her book, and talk about her writing...check out this NPR story: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=89461076
I can't wait to read this one!!!
Yesterday Silas, Umesh and and I played our first tennis of the season....and it felt REALLY good!
Now..I need to recruit more players to play this summer...so...if you are tennis fan...get that racket re-strung and join us on the courts~~