My friend Sofia sent this to me today, and I think it's funny! We have such a !#2!9# president~
Quoting today's Washington Post:
"President Bush welcomed the queen with a royal faux pas about her age, suggesting she had witnessed American independence in 1776. Expressing admiration for her long friendship with the United States, Bush noted that Elizabeth had dined with 10 presidents and had "helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17 . . ." He quickly caught and corrected his mistake, "in 1976."
Her Majesty did not appear to be amused.
Laughter rippled across the South Lawn, but the queen, who celebrated her 81st birthday last month, shot Bush a look that he sheepishly acknowledged "only a mother could give a child."
It wasn't his only comeuppance of the day."
It is unfortunate that some people can be so hateful and expect others to think that they are loving caring human beings. What a mean spirited, disgusting posting!