Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Parties

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Happy Winter Solstice

Originally uploaded by szivny.
Solstice means...
So, the sun is still...BUT..The Earth is actually nearer the sun in January than it is in June -- by three million miles.
What causes the seasons is something completely different. The Earth leans slightly on its axis like a spinning top frozen in one off-kilter position. Astronomers have even pinpointed the precise angle of the tilt. It's 23 degrees and 27 minutes off the perpendicular to the plane of orbit.
Pretty cool eh? Especially cool in buffalo I would say~
Enjoy today, it only happens one time per year!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Happy Birthday to my SISTER Jen!

Aidan Pryznosch
Originally uploaded by didihardy_72.
Today is my sister's birthday!
If you have a sister, then you know how precious this relationship is in your life….
I don't say this often enough, but I am so lucky to have a sister as wonderful as Jen. She isn't just my sister, but my best friend.
Jen is thoughtful and kind---always making someone a beautiful birthday cake (like Aidan!) or making sure she finds just the right gift for you. She is there always to provide advice...and love. She is passionate about helping people and it shows in her dedication to her job. But most importantly, she is a wonderful mother~ and example for all of us.
Happy Birthday Jenny with a Penny in her pants…
I love you!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
I admit it, I am addicted to LOST

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Gotta make the cookies

italian anise cookies
Originally uploaded by freakgirl.
Well, it's that time of year---Gotta make some yummy cookies for our student assistants that work @ ISSS.
And, of course enough for my friends! The question is, will you, the reader of this blog--be one of the lucky ones?
~if not, I send you lots of holiday cheer!
Hugs from Di
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I am quoted in the SPECTRUM!

Campus News - DECEMBER 8th, 2006
GSA President Balcom resigns amidst misappropriation claims
In a heated Senate meeting Wednesday night, Graduate Student Association President Aubrey Balcom, on the verge of being impeached for alleged misappropriation of funds, resigned his position.
The legislative body's actions were spurred by Balcom's recent trip to a conference in Seattle in which he spent $2,177.78 on restaurants, a hotel room and a rental car, among other expenses. The original budget for the trip was approved for only $500.
The reimbursement — $1677.78 over the original budget — was approved by Jillian Flood, GSA vice president (who also attended the conference with Balcom) and Sakeet Varma, GSA treasurer.
According to Balcom, however, the BSA executive board was not the only body to approve the increase in spending money.
"Student Life, Sub-Board, I and the e-board approved it. If there were any questions, someone would've caught it," he said.
Varma said that he regretted his decision to sign the approval.
"I do agree I made a mistake, I don't deny that," Varma said. "But it was an honest mistake. If I could do it again, I wouldn't have signed it."
Varma said he had not reviewed the supporting paperwork—bills and restaurants receipts — before signing it because there had already been an incident that day with two office members, causing him to be rushed in his decision.
"I thought that at that time, getting the paperwork done would be the wisest decision because of the tremendous pressure," Varma said. "I should have not signed it. I should have looked at the receipts, but I put a lot of trust in the president."
Receipts from the trip filed for reimbursement showed that Balcom rented a car for $434.10, plus fuel costs. Balcom also spent $988.20 on a hotel for four days, including $60 in valet parking.
"(Balcom) said he only used Orbitz.com to find a hotel, but we found 25 hotels closer (to the conference) that were only $80 a night," said Andreas Stier, a senator and Physics GSA president. "They allowed themselves to spend the money."
Flood said that she thought that if e-board made a mistake, SBI would pick it up.
"I was under the impression that if something wasn't reimbursable, Sub-Board, I wouldn't reimburse it," Flood said. "I had a receipt for chocolate and I wasn't sure if I should submit it (to Sub-Board, I), but Gena told me they wouldn't reimburse it if it wasn't related to the conference."
Gena Zimmerman, GSA office manager, declined to comment.
"There has been an obvious lack of checks and balances," said Diane Hardy, a senator. "GSA shouldn't pay for vacations."
Flood said that she is considering resigning, but because two signatures are needed for paychecks and other paperwork, she is going to stay for the time being.
"If the students want me to resign, I will," she said. "But only if the senate wants me to resign. I'm going to do what the majority wants."
Varma said at the present time, he does not plan on resigning. He and the other administrators regret the results of Balcom's actions.
Flood believed that the conference was not the only reason students wanted Balcom impeached.
"I do believe had he not made some enemies, this wouldn't be such a big deal," Flood said.
An inquiry committee has been formed to investigate further into the case.
Content © 2006 - The Spectrum Student Periodical, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Phone: 716.645.2468 Fax: 716.645.2766
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Democracy is alive @ UB

Today, I experienced democracy at work. This isn’t the democracy George Bush defines….it’s participatory work that seeks justice and truth. Today---the Graduate Student Association (GSA) " GSA truth commission" made an argument in the GSA senate and we as a senate and student body were successful in having that arguement heard, debated and justice was the result!
Thanks to so many---Catalina for her courage and passion for social justice, Karl for his intellect, and strategy….Angela for her dedication and detailed-ness….Rima, Rachel, Sherene, Thering, and so many others----we did it….we made the president accountable!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Babysitting adventures~

Aidan Pryznosch
Originally uploaded by didihardy_72.
Aidan wanted me to post this to the blog to let the world know that he loves his babysitter, Auntie Di.
This past weekend I had a marathon babysitting adventure with this loveable guy and let's just say, Babysitting is harder than getting a PhD~
But, ya gotta love love 'em~