Today I realized how we all travel such a similar road in life, we are all in just different places at different times, yet we (almost all) experience happiness, love, loss, saddness etc...
As I stumbled on to my friend's blog....I realized this yet much we are connected as humans and how this medium can help us all remember life is a beautiful path (like this one).... and to enjoy each step of the way...
So, to remind me of that's a quote from the "Gita" (for those that don't know it's an Indian Hindu book)
"If one ponders on objects of the senses, there springs Attraction: from attraction grows desire, Desire flames to fierce passion, passion breeds recklessness; then the memory--all betrayed--Lets noble purpose go, and saps the mind, Till purpose, mind and man are all undone"
What does it mean? I don't really know, but I see it as we all go through these crazy times (and maybe bad decisions or good ones?) to experience WHO WE ARE...and when I remember that, I really feel truly happy and content (even when I am sad)....
So my friend, please don't despair....