Today my brother sent me these old pictures! I love it...the first one is of my Dad--fishing.
There are many days I think about him...fonding. I am not sad--of course I wish he was still here with all of us, but I try just remember being with him. And to think about what kind of advice he'd give me..
When we were kids...he use to take us fishing...that was always fun.
One thing I remember about my Dad...that he love to sit and watch nature. Being as busy...impatient and energtic as I am, I thought this was totally borning! Now...I see he was doing his own form of meditiation. I found myself recently sitting and watching my beautiful trees from my house---and enjoying the cycles of nature :)
This is a great picture of Mom. Very Mrs. Brady-like. My sister and I alway tease my Mom that she looked like Mrs. Brady in the 70s.
Hopefully Dave will send me more....these pictures made my day!