This past weekend---I have been enjoying staying home at our new house. Here are some pictures of the winter wonderland around my house...
I am so very lucky & thankful that Mike and I own the house---I am for sure blessed!

Yup...today mother nature coated UB's campus (and the surrounding Buffalo area) in a nice white/icy layer of snow...
But we were not told to stay home---so my little subaru kicked into high gear and got me safely to UB.
Then at 12:14pm we received an e-mail message that said "UB classes and activities are cancelled this afternoon and evening, Dec. 19 as of 12 p.m. Essential employees should report."
This caused me to hmmmmm, didn't classes end like a week ago? And--almost all staff reports at 8:30am?
Then then we got a clarification e-mail....
"Due to confusion created by an earlier email, this email is being sent to clarify that UB is closed effective at noon today, December 19, 2008. Classes and activities are cancelled for this afternoon and evening. Essential employees should report."
Oh...that clarified it completely. Needless to say---we were told we could stay or leave. But if we leave---we have to use to vacation day.
The joys of working for the State of New York...
My life is worth a vacation day :) So...I am home safe enjoying the warmth of my new house...