Today I read off the AP wire that black holes are 25 times more efficient than anything man has built!
All media blitz about Baghdad is about suicide bombers and prison scandals….but have you ever thought about little spots that might still ring of beauty? Have you thought about how people feel there? Are they experiencing spring like most of us?
Check out an award winning blog, Baghdad Burning---
It will open your eyes for sure~
Ok, I will admit it, I get scared when I think about ghosts, talk about them--see a movie about them, whatever!
And these creaters of unknown origin enter my mind at night…right before bed, and everything I hear, feel...is probably a ghost!
So last night I had a nice chat with a friend about a ghostly experience and then I realized, I am scared of something I have never even really experienced!
So, I vow today to try and overcome a fear of the unknown.