Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Smash my ipod

Yes, it's true, you can pay money for people to smash up other's ipods, Xboxes and other trendy gagets.
Check it out, it's actually pretty funny.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Spicy Curry Adventures

Thanks to Ish and Angela, Dawn...and Mahur Jaffy, Curry was had by all Saturday night. Yummmmmy gooie brownies as well as red wine filled our tummies. This night was so fun and I have so many people to thank.
Memo's Mexican drinks, Joe's humor, Brian's antics....
Most of all I will miss all of these beautiful people once they leave Buffalo for their home countries or beyond.
But, for today, I relish in how lucky I am to have these people in my life!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Back to the grindstone

Office Reflection 2
Originally uploaded by Dave Horne.
Well, today I went back to work after a bit of time off. It was ok, It made me realize that life shouldn't be all about work.
For me, I will attempt each day to make it about the people I deal with each day...each minute to ensure that I am somehow making life a bit less difficult.
Well, that's the hope!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Remembering travel

the beautiful Taj
Originally uploaded by didihardy_72.
I just thought about my great trip to India today. I am reminded how lucky I am that I can travel!

It is through the experiences of becoming uncomforatable that forces us as travelers and as global citizens to open our eyes to the beauty of humanity.
The people of India are beautiful!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tempranillo anyone?

Originally uploaded by emacs1969.
Today I set out on a journey to get some good wine. I come to find out that the newest big thing is Spanish wine!

Tempranillo is a refined delicacy more reminiscent of pinot noir than cabernet sauvignon.

The best part of picking out wine is the sales people who robustly describe the wine, it's almost as exciting as drinking it!

Monday, March 20, 2006

First Day of Spring, new beginnings

Originally uploaded by dee_r.
So today is a day where we can take a deep breath and start anew again. Each spring I think is a chance to clean out the old, throw away what isn't useful, and re-think life.

I think that I will work on my growth, starting with school work. So I better get back to it ~Cheers.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

My Dad is in Heaven

Tuesday, March 14th, My Dad went to Heaven.
This has to be one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through, along with my whole family.
But, as this beautiful picture demonstrates, my Dad lives in all of us. He loved his new grandson, Aidan. Even though they only knew each other for a few months, they share a bond you can see in this picture.

I will remember each day, that he lives inside me. And when the sun shines, he's there-- smiling from above.
I love you Dad.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Friendship in 3D

This picture isn't just of beautiful flowers, this picture represents my friends.
I am very lucky to have friends that take the time to want to send me something so beautiful it represents their friendship and love for me during a difficult time.

Thanks-David, Amresh, Silas, Brian, Rachel and Rima!

I am very lucky and want to allow this place to say in my own clumsy way, thank you~
love Di

Thursday, March 09, 2006

How do you conceive power?

Originally uploaded by Matthias Taieb.
Do you see Power as circulating from above? From below? Or is it in micro forms that permeate your every action?
Makes you think about how you use power in your every relationship.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Happy Women's Day---Highlight a special woman

Today is International Women's Day. International Women's Day is the story of ordinary women as makers ofhistory; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women toparticipate in society on an equal footing with men.

My friend Kris has done just that. She has successfully run a business and is making women look strong, from the board room to the ski hills!

Plus it was her birthday yesterday! YEAH! We are all glad to be blessed with KRIS!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Don't work too hard!

This was past on by my friend Gail today, it made me laugh (I sure needed it!)

Remember--PEOPLE matter most, not deadlines, payments or stuff. We make the world go round, so remember to check on your co-workers~!

Monday, March 06, 2006

What do you do when you get bad news?

Bad news
Originally uploaded by David Wyman.
Tonight...I got some very bad news. Not only is someone I love very much hurting now,but I am hurting too. And through this process I realized a lot about myself.
I am very sad, and feeling horrible. Actually I can't stop saying horrible. Everyone I tell this news to, has to hear me say the word horrible before I am done with the summary.

The bad news ultimately made me think of all that I already have.
Maybe it's that 'crash' that we feel with bad news that allows us to see-- what we have right before our eyes.

I am SO lucky to have such wonderful people in my life.
Thank you to all of you out there..Peace, ~Di

Friday, March 03, 2006

How important are Cows to you? Please save them!

Cows are facing a terrible crisis! Thanks to a friend, you can act now to ensure these cows are not taken away from US!

Also, join the fight against Monsanto!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Green day

Sad Frog
Originally uploaded by CelinesPhotographer.
Ok, so today I feel as though the universe isn't in line with me.
Or maybe I have bad karma today?

During these non-connection days, I pause and want to just start over again.
What happened? Just nonconnection, I dropped things, forgot things, even forgot someones feelings and hurt them with my silly words.

So, while I suppose I could wallow in this state, I have decided to jump my froggy legs out of this, go out in the snow and start anew.
Hopefully I can recharge my Karma.
Where is my Ganesh idol! Is Gandhi watching?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

An Ipod world

Pink iPod reflection
Originally uploaded by mmmazzoni.
Ok, so we are living in the world of Ipods.
If you have one, you know why it's addicting, if you don't have one...try it. On my univeristy campus they are the CRAZE!

Is it rude to keep your ipod in your ears when people approach you to say Hi?
Are we listening to ipods in order to avoid interaction?

Remember walkmans?

Until Tomorrow.....ROCK ON.